BestJunior is a private not-for-profit web site providing AKC statistics for the Junior Showmanship exhibitor and their parents. It is our commitment to provide parents, Kennel Clubs and all others interested in a reliable source of information.
BestJunior is a private not-for-profit web site providing AKC statistics for the Junior Showmanship exhibitor and their parents. It is our commitment to provide parents, Kennel Clubs and all others interested in a reliable source of information.
BestJunior is a private not-for-profit web site providing AKC statistics for the Junior Showmanship exhibitor and their parents. It is our commitment to provide parents, Kennel Clubs and all others interested in a reliable source of information.
BestJunior is a private not-for-profit web site providing AKC statistics for the Junior Showmanship exhibitor and their parents. It is our commitment to provide parents, Kennel Clubs and all others interested in a reliable source of information.
OVERALL TOP 30 lists the Top 30 Overall Juniors competing in Novice and Open Classes (Senior, Intermediate and Junior) and Master Class at all AKC shows (including Independent Specialties). Statistics are compiled using every win and 2nd thru 4th placements, including Best Junior and Reserve Best Junior points. One (1) point is awarded for every competitor defeated.
GROUP TOP 20 lists the Top 20 juniors competing in Novice and Open Classes (Senior, Intermediate and Junior) and Master Classes at all AKC shows (including independent specialties). Rankings are separated by each Group: Sporting, Hound, Working, Terrier, Toy, Non-Sporting, Herding and Miscellaneous . Statistics are compiled using every win and 2nd thru 4th placements, including Best Junior and Reserve Best Junior points. One (1) point is awarded for every competitor defeated. If a junior shows multiple breeds within the same group, points will be totaled within that same group.
Breeds TOP 10 lists the Top 10 juniors competing in Novice and Open Classes (Senior, Intermediate and Junior) and Master Classes at all AKC shows (including independent specialties). Rankings are listed by Breeds within each Group: Sporting, Hound, Working, Terrier, Toy, Non-Sporting, Herding and Miscellaneous . Statistics are compiled using every win and 2nd thru 4th placements, including Best Junior and Reserve Best Junior points. One (1) point is awarded for every competitor defeated.
STATES lists Top 10 juniors competing in Novice and Open Classes (Senior, Intermediate and Junior) and Master Classes at all AKC shows (including Independent Specialties) based on the show site location, not the junior's residence using every win and 2nd thru 4th placements, including Best Junior and Reserve Best Junior points. Competition need not be present in the class, if the junior wins Best Junior/Reserve Best Junior Handler for points to be awarded. One (1) point is awarded for every competitor defeated.
Companion Top 10. To be eligible for this award, a junior must earn points from AKC licensed Performance or Companion classes and/or titles. Points for this award may be accumulated from all eligible events and classes. Title Points will be automatically totaled and calculated by using the AKC Companion Events Titles and Performance Events Titles Earned by Junior Handlers List. Qualify/Pass points are based on the junior competing in an event/class/trial, qualifying and/or passing and completing a Junior Certification Form and submitting that form to for processing. Defeated Points listed are based on the number of competitors the junior defeats (in events where placements are made). Title and Qualify/Pass points are listed in the BestJuniorPerf_Comp_Points_Schedule v.2019.12
Companion Events Titles
Performance Events Titles
BestJuniorPerf_Comp_Points_Schedule v.2019.12
Performance Top 10. To be eligible for this award, a junior must earn points from AKC licensed Performance or Companion classes and titles. Points for this award may be accumulated from all eligible events and classes. Title Points will be automatically totaled and calculated by using the AKC Companion Events Titles and Performance Events Titles Earned by Junior Handlers List. Qualify/Pass points are based on the junior competing in an event/class/trial, qualifying and/or passing and completing a Junior Certification Form and submitting that form to for processing. Defeated Points listed are based on the number of competitors the junior defeats (in events where placements are made). Title and Qualify/Pass points are listed in the BestJunior Performance Points Schedule v.2019.12
Performance Events Titles Earned by Junior Handlers List
The BestJunior Hall of Fame is a Life-time Achievement Award based on total All-Breed Best Junior Awards won by a junior during their Junior Showmanship career. Juniors will be inducted into "Clubs" within the Hall of Fame based on total number of All-Breed Best Junior Handler awarded. Class (Master, Open and Novice) wins are of no importance and are not considered. Class competition must be present in the ring for Best Junior for the Best Junior Award to be counted.
The Log Book is designed to help juniors and parents maintain an accurate record of the junior’s competitions including club name, judge, breed of dog, state, class, entry, class placement and defeated. Sections include Westminster and AKC National qualifying wins, Companion and Performance competitions. It is most important for juniors to keep accurate records and compare AKC events results with your records to ensure accurate statistics.
Below is a link to download the 2020 Junior Handler Log Book courtesy of BestJunior to assist juniors and parents in maintaining an accurate record. Set your printer to Landscape orientation and print single page. The logbook fits nicely into a 1′ binder using a 3-hole punch.
Douglas, MA 01516
The BEST Place for Juniors!
The Juniors of today are the breeders, handlers and judges of tomorrow!